sábado, 14 de fevereiro de 2015

Croatas estão entre os mercenários que combatem nas unidades paramilitares das Forças Armadas da Ucrânia

Frente Brasileira de Solidariedade com a Ucrânia
14 h · 

Croatian nationals are fighting in Ukraine alongside Kiev’s armed forces, Croatia’s Foreign Minister Vesna Pusic confirmed on Wednesday.
12.02.2015, Sputnik  http://sputniknews.com/europe/20150212/1018172793.html

Croats are fighting in Ukraine but only as part of the government forces and are in no way involved with any of the paramilitary units active in the country’s troubled east, Croatia’s Foreign Minister Vesna Pusic told the journalists in Zagreb on Wednesday.
"As far as I know, there are Croatian soldiers in Ukraine who have joined the Ukrainian army," Pusic said.
She did not specify exactly how many of her compatriots were actually involved in the hostilities though.
In earlier reports, Croatian media wrote that dozens of Croats had joined the Azov volunteer battalion, with the Croatian News Agency HINA saying that half of the battalion’s members were indeed foreigners.
On Monday, pro-independence fighters claimed there might be some foreign mercenaries among the
pro-Ukrainian combatants who have been encircled near the city of Debaltseve between Donetsk and Luhansk as talks in English, Polish, French and Flemish languages had been intercepted.
In February, the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) forces found ammunition used exclusively in NATO countries that the Ukrainian Army is not usually equipped with. DPR authorities have repeatedly claimed finding US-made weapons in the Donetsk Airport, previously occupied by the Ukrainian military.
NATO countries are currently considering providing lethal weapons to Kiev, a move that some European countries, including France and Germany, are opposed to.
The clashes between Kiev and eastern Ukrainian forces intensified in recent weeks, with the warring sides trading blame for numerous shelling attacks in eastern Ukraine. More than 5,000 people died since the start of the military conflict in eastern Ukraine last April, according to the UN.




Выбрать судьбу - не сложно. Сложно выжить в той жизни, которую ты выбрал...

February 13th, 2015, 12:54 am

Кровавый ва-банк Порошенко

Други мои, в кратце обстановка такая: с раннего утра и почти до 17 часов шли тяжелейшие бои за Логвиново. Укры бросили на прорыв все имеющиеся у них резервы - не менее трех батальонных тактических групп общей численностью до восьмисот человек при поддержке не менее чем сорока танков. По сведениям ополченцев, в бой пошли свежие, хорошо вооруженные и отлично подготовленные батальоны. Несмотря на то, что им пришлось наступать, практически, по открытой местности, на виду у высот, удерживаемых ополчением, под перекрестным огнем, они с исключительным упорством рвались вперед, не считаясь с потерями, умело используя складки местности и выдерживая тактический порядок. По данным разведки, это были ударные батальоны, которые украинское командование берегло для решающего наступления. Эти батальоны прошли полный курс обучения под руководством американских и польских инструкторов на яворовском полигоне и были недавно скрыто переброшены в зону АТО. Но, не смотря на внезапность удара и его мощь, украинским штурмовикам не удалось прорвать оборону ополченцев. Понеся огромные потери на этапе выдвижения и развертывания, штурмовики не смогли ворваться в Логвиново и атака захлебнулась на ближних подступах к селу. Последние два танка были сожжены буквально в сотне метров от позиций ополчения. Но и защитники села понесли тяжелые потери от огня вражеской артиллерии. Вторая атака штурмовиков была отбита встречной танковой атакой ополчения, чьи танки, выдвинувшись к селу, сходу вступили в бой, контратаковав наступающего противника. Наступавшая по открытой местности, украинская пехота понесла тяжелые потери и была вынуждена отступить, после чего бой перешел в артиллерийскую дуэль. Одновременно с атакой на Логвиново, украинские подразделения пытались атаковать позиции ополченцев в районе донецкого аэропорта, под Чернухино, Редкодубом, а также на господствующих здесь высотах. 
Совершенно очевидно, что высшее командование ВСУ получило строжайший приказ за, оставшиеся до прекращения огня, двое суток любой ценой переломить ход боев и добиться заметных тактических побед, зафиксировав за собой победное окончание очередного этапа вооруженного конфликта. При этом, деблокада окруженной под Дебальцево группировки ВСУ является делом чести для президента Украины Порошенко, заявишего на весь мир о том, что никакого окружения здесь нет. Поэтому, понятно, что, в оставшиеся двое суток, украинское командование будет, не считаясь ни с какими потерями, бросать на прорыв все имеющиеся в его распоряжении силы, чтобы подтвердить правоту Порошенко, что, повидимому, станет для этой военной компании своего рода "Верденом" по уровню ожесточения и единоразовых потерь, а для украинского командования тестом на дальнейшее пребывание в должности.

Одновременно с информацией о деблокирующем наступлении под Дебальцево на ряде украинских форумов появилась и была удалена администраторами информация и "черной ночи", которую напоследок собирается устроить украинское командование мятежному населению Донбасса. Согласно этой информации, в последние часы войны украинская артиллерия должна нанести самый массированный, за время этой компании, удар по городам и поселкам Донбасса и Луганщины, как было сказано на одном из форумов:"Уходя, громко хлопнуть дверью, и чтобы удар этот запомнили в каждой "сеппарской" семье, в каждом их доме!"
Эта циничная акция украинских нацистов может унести сотни жизней...

Facebook Reinhard Lenfant
1 h · 
A family cry for their son killed in action fighting for NAF forces,yesterday in Stakhanov- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yG8d6W1EUGE 
destroyed ukies evrywhere , why ceasfire when you are wining the war !https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=biPMG6VsCEs 
Breaking! Ukie offensive west of ‪#Donetsk! Heavy fighting in ‪#Opytne,‪#Peski, ‪#Vodyane and near the Airport! ‪#DNR ‪#Novorossiya
SIT REP Fightings street to street in ‪#Debaltsevo! A slaughter! Ukies tried to reach the cauldron through fields but they've been stopped
Breaking! Fierce battle with tanks and artillery in ‪#Shyrokino since the start of this morning! East of ‪#Mariupol!
‪#Donbas Forces Ready to React if ‪#Kiev Neglects ‪#Minsk Agreements – DPR / Sputnik Internationalhttp://sputniknews.com/europe/20150214/1018259778.html 
@BBCNews Now calling ‪#NAF "Russian Rebels". No mention of Kiev's murderous Assaults on Donbass. No mention of Right Sector. BBC Brainwashing
Azov getting again hammered from #naf artillery in ‪#shyrokyne allready 72 nazis died ! they are calling for help !!!! MAMA #dnr #donetsk
Breaking: entire front east of Mariupol is under heavy artillery attack from rebel side #Shyrokyne ‪#VTMNieuws
Right Sector militants surrounded the Krasnoarmeisk Ukrainian command headquaters, threatening to storm it -- http://fortruss.blogspot.ie/…/right-sector-militants-encirc… 
#NAF say shelling of #Debaltsevo cauldron will stop with the ‪#ceasefirebut the cauldron will remain firmly closed until ‪#Ukies surrender
thank you ukies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKn2Gv6L4wQ … #donetsk #dnr #naf
2/2 Smoke rises over Debaltsevo yesterday as the some 7000 Ukrainian troops there came under heavy shelling -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wkvk2OuukI 
Vulture Bernard Henri-Levy (fancy long scarf) @ the front in E. Ukraine, next to Poroshenko. Shows @ every disaster
#Ukies cant break through #Logvinova along the M03, so tried to sneak past through the fields. Columns spotted by #NAF and destroyed
All #Ukie attempts 2 break out of #Debaltsevo cauldron were defeated. #NAF in turn went on the offensive in #Debaltsevo street-to-street war
#Yarosh says his forces not bound by any agreement signed by EU governments #Minsk2. #Zaharchenko can consider #Minsk2 broken already
#NAF hold on please beat those monsters! Inshallah #NAF will win
#Ukraine ceasefire is bad deal at a high price:http://youtu.be/pFZGqJBMwTI Purely a chance to supply #Kiev with arms #LPR #DPR #NAF #Russia
14th Humanitarian convoy of #Russia’s Emergencies Ministry ready to leave for #Donbas http://tass.ru/en/world/777641 #NAF
Bad deal at a high price http://goo.gl/Rd40LN
#Donetsk, #Lugansk invite #Kiev to another meeting of Contact Grouphttp://tass.ru/en/world/777638 #DPR #LPR #NAF
The capital of the #DPR was subjected to artillery fire of the #Ukraine Army again 4:15 http://novorossia.today/the-capital-of-the-dpr-was-subject…/ … Isolated or ordered? #NAF
"NATO troops trapped in #Debalstevo is the ONLY reason Merkel ran &…http://twishort.com/OtBhc
If #Poroshenko Begs the west for Arms why is leaves behind 100s of tanks and tones of ammunition for the #Naf? #ato
RF will then have initiative. Next is UN authorisation of RF to intervene under R2P - for ALL Ukraine, not just Donbass
HUGE: UN Security Council to convene Sunday to discuss Russian resolution on Ukraine. Chinese UN Delegation says it's likely to be adopted
Russia-sponsored resolution on Ukraine will welcome the #Minsk agreement and call for its full implementationhttp://www.newsru.com/world/14feb2015/sovbez1.html 
BREAKING: Poroshenko says to talk with Obama, Merkel, Hollande Saturday
REPORTS: NAF accuse the #Ukraine army of firing 5 Tochka-U ballistic missiles from #Kramatorsk airfield in the last 24 hours
Minsk Agreement Is a Betrayal of Donbass People - Russia Insiderhttp://russia-insider.com/…/politics_ukrain…/2015/02/14/3485 
#Chernukhino (by #Debaltsevo) looks like hell. Dead #Ukrainian soldiers everywhere. Estimated Ukr casualites -- 74.
Abandoned by #Ukraine army, trophies collected by #NAF at #Debaltsevo pocket.
#Ukraine MP Lyashko says his sister is fighting for #NAF. Says she is with "terrorists."
According to lifenews #NAF has entered #Debaltsevo. There are huge losses https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8542m5bsKFE&feature=youtu.be 
#DEBALTSEVO Cauldron - #NAF (both #DPR and #LPR Armies) already in #Debaltsevo, taking street after street with very heavy fighting. Cleanup
#DEBALTSEVO - with #NAF successfully destroying #UAF's fuel depot in Debaltsevo, withdrawal of equipment would be challenging for #Ukraine.
VIDEO SIT REP 12/02/2015 http://youtu.be/bR0eZiLVjck
#Ukraine Kryvbas Bn. soldier begs for help in #Debaltseve. Says they need artillery & armor. Many KIA & WIA.
#MINSK2 - Both #Ukraine & #NAF reported pulling substantial forces toward frontlines, not withdrawing. #Ukraine continues artillery strikes.
298 dead in a Donetsk field, murdered by Kiev to blame us.We must remove the Kiev regime & arrest the Nazi battalions
Georgian Mercenary SCUM WANT 2 EXECUTE DONBASS LOCALS DEFENDING THEIR HOMES FROM FOREIGN INVADERs Can U C the IRONY? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2YmnKNTw8w#t=33 
UNCONFIRMED: #Ukraine forces launching GRAD rockets from inside #Artemivsk.
In other news, #Ukraine Waffen-SS...errrr....Battalion AZOV confirmed that received NO orders to stop combats on Sunday...and so it goes.
Pfff...."Canadian" satellites...NAF have drones Emoticon tongue #Loginovo area air view & stuck UA MBT in broken bridge at 1:52 . http://youtu.be/ta0k9MkAU2I
UNCONFIRMED: Near 24 hours to deadline for ceasefire start, final assault to #Debaltseve under execution.
look to #Ukraine WAR CRIMES (2/3): #Ukraine forces ended killing & EXECUTING almost all including commander Givi.
look to #Ukraine WAR CRIMES (1/3): After capture some NAF from "Somali" b. UA FORCED POWs to call reinforcements.
Hey, @OSCE, you might want to check out how #Ukraine Battalion Donbass treats POWs... http://youtu.be/i2YmnKNTw8w ...executions, huh ?!?
#Ukraine regime failure to capture #Logvinova & to break open #Debaltsevo confirmed by Semenchenko http://vk.com/strelkov_info?w=wall-57424472_46398 
Multiple sources reporting #NAF entered Debaltsevo from north. Heavy street fighting.
#Ukrainian army execute more than 10 #NAF soldier after #Minsk2 was singed. #Novorossiya
#NAF 2 civilians killed 5 wounded in #Artyomovsk shelling by #Ukrainehttp://tass.ru/en/world/777615 #Kiev scrap #Minsk2015
Bombardeos nocturnos de las Fuerzas Armadas de #Ucrania en #Lugansk provocaron 3 muertos y 4 heridos http://fb.me/74sHEHbNy
#Ukraine ultranationalist leader rejects #Minsk peace deal, reserves right 'to continue war' http://rt.com/news/232183-ukraine-yarosh-war-minsk/…… #NAF
3 children from one family will never see #ceasefire, they were killed at home by #Ukraine shelling in #Gorlovka.
3 kids of Denis were killed by ukrainian army.#Novorossiya #Ukrainehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4RYSTbNG5t8#t=35 
A family cry for their son killed in action fighting for NAF forces,yesterday in Stakhanov- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yG8d6W1EUGE 
English subs now on this interview with Lilya, a 24-year-old victim of Ukrainian shelling now fighting for her leg -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYEBNX9R-Y4 
My piece from a couple of days ago as battle went on around Debaltsevo - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6BoAY8x4EI 
Common #NAF, time too push for it more than never, 30 hours to go ! Push it, push it !!!
Cease fire no big deal.We keep all troops on front line.Only weapons over 100 mm must be moved & takes couple hour to move backto the front.
We will never join back with #ukraine. Ever. They continue to kill civilians in #donbass. Shooting rockets into #lugansk again.
[eng subs] NAF "Ghost" brigade troops approach Debaltesvo:http://youtu.be/ujxPSAifDWs
BREAKING: #Kiev to demand emergency European Council meeting if no ceasefire Sunday - RT http://on.rt.com/ni6rtz
"No one believes in this ceasefire." @lifenews_ru corro says fighters saying no peace until Debaltseve falls. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8542m5bsKFE&feature=youtu.be 
VIDEO: Intense fighting can be heard around #Makeevka #Ukraine tonight. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWGcKVRodbA 
Video of the utter destruction in #Makeevka today #Ukraine -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7A99Y760u0 
UKRA-SOURCE : 18+ #Ukraine "Cyborgs" gave #Russia "Somali" unit payback for #Donetsk Airport kill 50 Held 15http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c… 
All the territory between the Ukie C.P. in #Luganskoyehttp://youtu.be/2diGoBKBobQ and #Debaltsevo is under NAF control.
SIT REP Fightings street to street in #Debaltsevo! A slaughter! Ukies tried to reach the cauldron through fields but they've been stopped!
Breaking! Fierce battle with tanks and artillery in #Shyrokino since the start of this morning! East of #Mariupol!
Minsk Agreement Is a Betrayal of Donbass People - Russia Insiderhttp://russia-insider.com/…/politics_ukrain…/2015/02/14/3485 … #Ukraine #Russia #cdnpoli
#Debaltsevo pocket is pure hell. The entire day #NAF has been shelling it with everything they got, from Grad missiles to howitzers
Picture from ukr sources claiming to be DNR militia. POW lined up to the wall and executed.
Wow. #Lyashko admitted that his sister, Victoria, fights alongside #LNR rebels

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