sábado, 22 de agosto de 2015

DPR news- OSCE works only one way | Eng Subs

Published on Aug 20, 2015
Vox Populi Evo - Voice of The People


Facebook Reinhard Lenfant


Пам’яті героїв Іловайська
Facebook Reinhard Lenfant
Published on Aug 19, 2015
Присвячується всім воїнам України, хто був в Іловайському котлі, хто вийшов звідти живим, хто лишається в полоні, та тим, хто залишився там назавжди…


Facebook Reinhard Lenfant
13 h · Editado ·

I declare Ukraine Banderastan the largest open air mental asylum on earth
The guidelines of the incoming Ukrainian large scale offensive against‪#Donbass http://youtu.be/TL6hlB0_jVg
Assault plan straight from ‪#Ukrainian HQ source. Who wants to place bets what group will end in a pocket first? Ukrop-Army build up & possible Battle Order around DNR and LNR https://translate.google.ch/translate…
May our fallen comrades watch over Lugansk. Nazi task force of 5,000 troops plus tanks & artillery prepares to attack . Apart from the contingent tasked with capturing Lugansk city, ~85,000 Nazi troops prepare near Donezk, Debaltsevo, Gorlovka, Mariupol.. The heavy concentration of fascist
forces at Avdeevka will be used to strike targets in Donezk and Gorlovka. "If Ukraine attempts to take an Offensive, our response will be appropriate." - Denis Pushilin, 20 Aug 2015. Kiev forces' grouping of troops in Donbass is now 90,000, concentrated in Mariupol, Donezk, Debaltsevo, and Lugansk. http://tass.ru/en/world/815615
Think that ‪#Russia will let a Kraijna scenario on its doorsteps is very stupid. I hope ‪#NATO won't put in place this plan or WWIII is near! Extremely important pres putin signs nuke nato order in crimea. Putin Signs "September War" Order Authorizing Nuclear Attack On NATO Forces http://bit.ly/1J7vBpH
ukies losses last 3 days fightn 30 kia . large ukie camp spotted by naf with large amount ukie armour . another one dusted keep them comin naf . civillions wounded in donezk district. BREAKING ‪#donezk airport and railway station are beeing shelled !! Several artillery shells landed on Dneprodzerzhinskaya Street and several went off near the local television center in Donezk. R.I.P. Eduard. God bless you. Thanks for everything you did in order to defend #Donbass and its people. Fighting in the Donbas: under fire from the vicinity of sand, Yasinovataya, Staromykhailivka and Gorlovka http://rusvesna.su/news/1440109765
Poroshenko goes to Berlin to ask for money ‪#ukrainehttp://wordlink.com/l/1hpdG
Kiev court gives go-ahead for the demolition of the monument to Catherine II in Odessa! Its UNESCO Heritage! Der Kampf gegen Statuen geht weiter: Kiewer Gericht genehmigt Abriss der Statue von Katherina der Grossen in Odessa. Ukraine ‪#ISIS-imitators now to destroy @UNESCO Heritage site in ‪#Odessa
If Donbass will fall - will fall the whole world! / «Texas» Bentley and Nadya Morozova about war in Novorossia http://news-front.info/…/esli-padet-donbass-padet-ves-mir-…/ 
The Poroshenko regime will not survive another failed campaign. The Ukrainians will suffer heavy losses.. Victory will be ours :http://rusvesna.su/recent_opinions/1440090855
Ukraine SITREP August 20th, 2015 by Scott | The Vineyard of the Sakerhttp://thesaker.is/ukraine-sitrep-august-20th-2015-by-scott/ 
ukies bringn in more grads to front lines . ukies prepare for parade with no armour as its all at front lines https://youtu.be/RnWWjxo7NZw
Deputy commander of ATO: "There is no one left to defend Ukraine" - Fort Russ http://fortruss.blogspot.ie/…/deputy-commander-of-ato-there…
Kiev has not fulfilled any item Minsk Agreement - Pushilin - Channel "Zvezda" http://tvzvezda.ru/…/vstrane_…/content/201508210044-s2dg.htm 
home in peski https://vk.com/brigada_15… 
The worsening situation in Donezk 20.08.2015 - YouTubehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ziNazFTmmyE 
more and more heavy ukie armour keeps coming to front lines - YouTubehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXmrB0TQB5I 
Denis Pushilin: DPR and LPR don´t recognize Ukraine law about elections.
Kiev Nazi forces poised to cross river Severny Donets in Lugansk region of Donbas, building temporary bridges http://bit.ly/1U02VSk

Ukraine’s Nazi Security Service (Gestapo) accuses more than a thousand of its officers of desertion http://tass.ru/en/world/815466
Yuriy Kotenok reports from ‪#DNR reconnaissance positions in‪#GORLOVKA http://voicesevas.ru/…/16238-lenta-voennyh-sobytiy-v-novoro… 
US funded @OSCE is not ready to work in #Gorlovka subjecting under the fire?? Why are they in #Ukraine? http://novorossia.today/osce-is-not-ready-to-work-in-gorlo…/ 
Mass Media resources announced referendum in #Donezk of joining #Russia http://novorossia.today/mass-media-resources-announced-ref…/ ‪#DPR ‪#LPR ‪#NAF
DPR news- OSCE works only one way | English Subtitles:http://youtu.be/zUYhgNPs-Uk?a
BILD-Scumbag Julian Röpcke : Bomben-Maler droht Entlassunghttp://www.bild.de/…/mann-soll-wegen-schriftzug-entlassen-w… … meint er sich selbst ?
Ukra-Scum : Four volunteers have been released from captivity in Donetsk - Budik
Ukra-Scum : Nazi-Flucht aus Ilovainsk heroisiert: Пам’яті героїв Іловайська. http://youtu.be/PIjE2a5dg2k

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